Jeff Mills releases second score for Fritz Lang’s Metropolis
‘Metropolis Metropolis’ is influenced by the 1927 film’s overall storyline and plot.
Out now via his own Axis Records label, Metropolis Metropolis combines elements of classical and electronic music and marks the second time Mills has produced a soundtrack of the film – his previous Metropolis score came out in 2000. Where his original score was produced to fit specific scenes and moments in Lang’s original, this latest version is more influenced by the overall storyline of the film.
“Creating music for Fritz Lang’s masterpiece film Metropolis has been and continues to be a great experience,” Mills said in a statement. “The film is a story about ‘man vs man’ with the help of a machine. Its dramatic theme is as relevant now as it was when the film debuted in 1927. A film to be enjoyed, but also noted and examined.”
Fritz Lang’s film, set in a futuristic vision of the year 2000, depicts a dystopia in which rich people rule over the working classes, who live and work beneath the city. It was based on Thea von Harbou’s 1925 novel of the same name.

A. Jeff Mills – The Masters Of Work And Play
B. Jeff Mills – Metropolis Metropolis
C. Jeff Mills – Maria And The Impossible Dream
D. Jeff Mills – Transformation The Aftershock And Evil
E. Jeff Mills – Yoshiwara And The Players Of Chance
F. Jeff Mills – Liaisons And Complicated Affairs
Axis Records will release Metropolis Metropolis on March 3, 2023.